Get to know the Shattered Diamond, a film by Kim Smith.

Welcome to shattereddiamond.com my name is Kimberly Smith, director, and writer for the upcoming new series, Shattered Diamond.

I, along with my incredible team have been working hard to create one of the most explosive new series to ever hit the screen. We tackle some of the toughest subjects most of our families face every day. From growing up and living with trauma to celebrating and being an overcomer. Shattered Diamond addresses it all.

This platform was created to give you insight into the production of the series along with resources for those who may need them. Learn about the cast, director, and shop at our all-new merchant stores.  

Remember, there is greatness inside of you and your life makes a difference in someone else’s.

Stay connected to the HIP

From the desk of the Director.

-Kim Smith


Bio of Kimberly Gulley-Smith


About the Writer/Director of Shattered Diamond.  

Kimberly Gulley-Smith was born and raised in a small town called Ypsilanti, also known as Ypsi.  She is a Mother of two along with six grandchildren.   As an ordained Pastor she is passionate about the people of God and their mindset.  The material Kim writes helps one look into the windows of their own soul and find strength, peace and hope.  She is by no means a  rookie to acting or writing, she has been passionate about this gift for over 30 years.   

Kim was raised by all women; Mother, Aunt, and Grandmother (Madea), one older sister and two female cousins.   The rules of the house were very strict, and if rules were broken, you best believe a real ass whoopin would be the order.  As a young child Kim's innocence was taken by a relative, she buried this secret until her adulthood. As she grew older Kim knew this secret could no longer be contained.  Kim's life finally began to spiral out of control when she experienced the loss of a child and felt she didn’t have the support she needed to overcome this painful dark place in her life.  

Things took a toll on her when she made the decision to escape her silent killer depression by self medicating, abusing drugs and alcohol. This left her the inability to be the responsible mother that her children needed.  It wasn’t until a spiritual encounter with God in 1997 that Kim entered a thirteen month program and became free from the abuse of drugs and alcohol.  Developing a personal relationship with her Lord and Savior was by far the most rewarding accomplishment as well as the restoration from the broken relationship with her children.  This story really hits home and will become a blessing to families, churches, and communities.

In Conclusion:

Mental Illness is real, and one thing that Kim doesn't do today is overlook the signs.  Her goal is to bring awareness to such a quiet subject.  Many people are walking around with a false image and completely shattered inside.  The hope is that with the content from the film Shattered Diamond, people will begin to understand their own wealth and start to heal because they know they deserve it.  Handle It Productions mission is to lift up gifted individuals that will rise above the ashes of their lives, break the barriers of generational curses, dig deep down in their souls and find the precious Gem that awaits to shine.